Merry Christmas from ESco

Article by Susan Duffin & Megan Walden

Fri 22 Dec 2023

Merry Christmas from ESco

Dear Clients, Partners and Friends...

I'm sitting at my desk drinking a rather nice glass of sherry, delivered by our wonderful Shirley, who transforms from a Finance Exec to a Christmas Elf at this time of year.

As I look back over 2023, I feel proud of the ESco team, who have been working hard to bed in new clients and ensure our current clients and their customers have all they need. All of this whilst being fully entrenched in our tech transformation exercise which brings much excitement as we look to the future, continuing to build robustly and innovatively upon ESco's firm foundations.

As a company that appreciates the importance of relationships, we are so aware that this time of year can be lonely for many, especially the elderly. I was privileged to have my own mother in my life right up until just a few weeks’ ago and am so glad that she was never alone at Christmas. It’s in honour of my beautiful mum, Evelyn, who helped ESco become the company it is today, that we are donating to Re-engage, a wonderful charity that provides vital, life-enhancing social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing. With their telephone befriending service, activity groups and monthly tea parties, Re-engage is making life less lonely for thousands of older people every year. Older people tell them that their volunteer-led activities make them happier and more able to trust others. It’s because of this that we are delighted to support Re-engage this year.

I hope that YOU will all enjoy time together with your families and friends this Christmastime and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and the healthiest, happiest year ahead.

Re-engage is making life less lonely for thousands of older people every year. With the help of their amazing pool of volunteers, they bring a lifeline of friendship and help older people to reconnect with their communities. Unfortunately there are many more isolated and lonely older people who want their support and they need our help to reach them.

Being lonely is miserable, especially at Christmas when we should all be celebrating with loved ones. But your gift lets an older person know they are not forgotten, offering them conversation, companionship and a renewed sense of normality.

Volunteer, Re-engage

Dear Clients, Partners and Friends... In a year that has taken a giant leap forward with AI, we want to assure you that our festive cards will always be written by us, to you, at Christmastime: Christmas is upon us, the year is coming to an end, We’re sending out a Christmas card to clients, partners, friends, To thank you for the year gone by, for being by our side, And working on your projects has filled our team with pride. We’ve been working on e-commerce, and Google Analytics 4, Our tech transformation will help us even more, Events and advent-tivites, a year we’ll all remember, And now we’re here to wish a peaceful end to your December. Thanks for all the memories, it’s been great to connect, And we’re so excited to see what might come next. We’re wishing you a Christmas filled with festive cheer, And to say that we can’t wait to see you in the New Year!

Follow the link to our YouTube to see what we got up to during the Christmas period.

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